
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Taggie Blankie {Tutorial}

As more and more of my friends have babies I am realizing that there are so many gifts that you can make!  On Day 28 of 31 Days of Handmade Gifts I shared some blanket tutorials and a preview of a taggie blankie I made for a baby gift. Here is the tutorial!

Taggie Blankie Tutorial

Time to Make: 30-60 minutes
Sewing Skill Level: Any (this would be a good first project!)
Cost: FREE!  (I had everything on hand, but it wouldn't cost more than $5 to make!)
13 in. x 13 in. fabric (quilter's cotton)
13 in. x 13 in. flannel or other soft fabric
Ribbon scraps (2.5-4 inches in length, various textures)
Sewing machine, thread and scissors

You could make this out of any fabric.  I have seen ones in the store made out of fleece, minky, etc.

1. Cut out fabric and ribbon scraps. You might want to iron your fabric (especially cotton) to ensure it's flat.

2. Fold ribbon pieces in half and pin to the right side of one of the fabric squares (it doesn't matter which one).  Make sure the raw edges of the ribbon and fabric line up.  Placement doesn't matter, just where ever you think looks good.  Just fight that OCD and place them different distances apart.  Yes it will be hard to do, but it doesn't matter!  Baby doesn't care. :)

3. Stitch ribbon pieces to right side of fabric (using 1/4 in seam allowance) removing pins as you go.  Back stitch with each ribbon piece to ensure they're on there good!

(Tip: To save some time/thread you don't have to clip the threads between sewing each ribbon, just move the needle to the next ribbon piece making sure the other threads are out of the way!)

4. Once you finish sewing the ribbons on, clip all the threads.  Also, make sure all the ribbons are sewn on good, you don't want a baby pulling any of them out!

5. Pin the other piece of fabric to the piece you just sewed the ribbons to (leaving the ribbons folded in and flat) right sides together.

6. Sew the fabric pieces together using a 1/4 in seam allowance, leaving about a 4 inch opening to turn, removing pins as you go.  To get this seam allowance I just used the edge of the foot.

(Tip: Start at one edge of your opening, not at the corner.  Then sew around and end at the other edge of your opening.  At the corners leave the needle in the fabric and just turn the fabric pieces).

7. Clip the corners and turn inside out.  Poke out corners (using your finger, knitting/crochet needle or something similar).

8. Iron your blankie, making sure to flatten the edges of the opening.  Almost done!!

9. Topstitch around the whole blankie, making sure that you close the opening.  And you're finished!  If you like the look of two lines of stitching, go for it.  (I just wanted to finish!)

 Let me know if you all have any questions or make one too!  I'd love to see!

Linking up with Christina's Adventures for $20 Below Thursdays, Creation Corner for a Handmade Christmas, Tatertots and Jello's Weekend Wrap Up Party and The Home Stories of A to Z's Tutorials and Tips Party!

Home Stories A2Z

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