
Monday, October 31, 2011

31 Days of Handmade Gifts: Day 31 {DIY Clocks}

Welcome to Day 31! You can find the other 31 Days posts here.

Well the last day is here!  I had planned on doing another gift idea, but it was something I wanted to make but I never got around to making it before today.  But I will be making it soon so stick around!

I don't know about you but I've seen quite a few DIY or revamped clocks out in blog land and they are too cute!  Here are some of my favorites that you could make for gifts to just about anyone on your list.  Everyone needs to know what time it is!

Landee See, Landee Do made this adorable photo clock.  Instead of the traditional numbers, she used family photos.  It's a great way to personalize a clock and make it a centerpiece on the wall instead of a boring wall decoration.  If you have an old clock you aren't using it would be perfect for this project.  Or you could find a cheap clock at a thrift store.

This photo clock by Rosy Red Buttons would make a great wedding gift or Christmas gift for a newlywed.  And it is pretty affordable too!  With the right coupons you could make this for under $10.

This clock by Le Petite Sweet was made using an old picture frame.  Once again, you could make this for under $10 and could be personalized in any way you want.  I think scrapbook paper would look great as a background!

Hope you all have enjoyed 31 Days of Handmade Gifts!  I definitely have.  I also surprised myself that I was able to post everyday (well some were scheduled, but I wrote 31 posts in a row!)  I have some tutorials to share in the coming weeks as well as finish up and share a few sewing projects.  So stick around!

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