
Saturday, April 7, 2012

2 Weeks Old {Peyton Elise}

Sweet Peyton,

You are 2 weeks old already! Where has the time gone!? Each day has gotten better and better for us. You are starting to sleep great at night and mommy and daddy are starting to figure things out. You are eating great (both from mommy and the bottle) and starting to gain weight. You aren't back up to your birth weight which they (the doctors) want, but they are happy with your progress. And luckily you had a little extra meat when you were born!

You are still wearing newborn size clothes but that won't last much longer. You are getting a little too long for them. :)  We have started cloth diapers during the day and still use disposable at night (since we are still short on sleep and you need to eat in the middle of the night). Mommy enjoys using cloth diapers, but just like everything else we are learning as we go!

Your grandparents have been a great help in letting mommy and daddy squeeze a nap in. They also watched you while mommy and daddy went on their first date since you arrived! We just went to dinner at Olive Garden and a quick stop to Target. It's amazing how much better you function when you have sleep. I hope that one day you are blessed enough to be a mommy yourself and get to experience everything we are! (But that is many years away, thankfully!)

We are finding that we love you more and more each day! You have filled our hearts so full with joy and love for you.  You are such a sweet blessing to us!

Mommy & Daddy

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