
Saturday, April 7, 2012

1 Week Old {Peyton Elise}

It's hard to believe you are 1 week old already! Daddy and I were so anxious for you to arrive! And you made us wait even longer as you came 8 days after your "due date" and mommy had to endure a 50 hour labor. But it was 50 hard hours that were so worth it!

You were so good while we were in the hospital, but mommy and daddy didn't get very much sleep with all the visitors that came to see you! We were very ready to go home and get you settled in! And not to mention sleep in our own bed. :)

The first few days at home were so rough, especially for mommy. None of us were getting very much sleep. Thankfully once we took you to the doctor when you were 4 days old we found that mommy wasn't making enough milk for you.  So once we started giving you formula you were so much happier and slept much better! mommy had a hard time with the fact that she couldn't make enough for you. Once you started sleeping more and gaining weight mommy was very happy and thankful for the time that we got together while you eat. We still do not know how long mommy will feed you, but we will try as long as possible so you get all the great benefits of breastfeeding.

Mommy and daddy love holding you and snuggling! You are the sweetest thing and we love getting to know you better each day. We are so blessed and thankful to have you here with us! It is tough adjusting to being a parent at first, but you are so worth it! We love you more than words can say and treasure each moment with you.

Mommy & Daddy

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