
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

31 Days of Handmade Gifts: Day 12 {Casserole Dish Carrier}

Welcome to Day 12 of 31 Days of Handmade Gifts!  You can find the other 31 Days posts here

Today's gift idea was a Pinterest find that when I find the time I can't wait to make a couple!  I'm sure many of you have had to rig up some way to carry a casserole so that it stays warm, I know I have! The tutorial by 2 Little Hooligans over at Little Birdie Secrets is a great gift option for many on your list.    It doesn't look to be too complicated (lots of straight lines), just a little time consuming.  It says it might take about 3-4 hours.  But I do think it's a gift that many would love!  Here are some of 2 Little Hooligans finished versions.

My favorite is the second one!  We will see if I have the time to sew this for Christmas.  I hope so!

See you all tomorrow for Day 13!


  1. promptly pinned! and then I tweeted it out- every good southern girl needs one of these!


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