
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

31 Days of Handmade Gifts: Day 11 {Kids Quiet Book}

Welcome to Day 11! You can find the other 31 Days posts here.

Since we are still expecting our first child (and we should find out TODAY if it's a boy or girl!!!!), I still have some time to make this craft.  It's such a great idea and I can't think of a child who wouldn't like it!  I don't know if you have seen some of the blog-mom's quiet books, but I will share my favorites. 

Last year Oopsey Daisy made this quiet book.  I can't include every page so click on over and check hers out! 

So cute and creative!  This book was for a boy but some pages could be used for a girl or made a little more "girly".  If you are going to make one be sure to visit her site, she has a template for some of the pages!  She also gives some details on how she made it.

Alison at Oopsey Daisy also made a color book for her son using scraps.  I love this idea too! 

This next quiet book is A-mazing!!  It was made by a friend of the girls over at The Crafting Chicks.

I just love the bright fabrics and those felt animals are amazing!  You can see The Crafting Chicks quiet books here and here. Such great inspiration!  Are you getting tons of ideas in your head about what to put in a quiet book?  Because I am! 

1 comment:

Thank you for taking the time to visit and leave a little note! I really appreciate your comments. They encourage me in ways you probably don't know! Have a blessed day!