
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Fall Wreath Tutorial

Sorry for the delay in posting.  I have been consumed with studying for the Praxis 2 exam I took yesterday.  I am hoping to start a MAT (Masters of Arts in Teaching) for elementary education in January and the Praxis was a requirement for admissions.  It was a tough test to study for since it covered everything that could be taught from grades K-5!  But I think it went well, I'll find out for sure in about 4 weeks.

So now that I am done with that, hopefully I can post more.  Especially with Christmas coming!  I'm so excited for Christmas!!  I already started listening to Christmas music at work and watched Elf last night.  But Brett made me promise no decorations till after Thanksgiving.  I agreed even though I would love to put them up now!  Especially since Hobby Lobby & JoAnn's have their Christmas decor on sale.  But soon I will be starting on Christmas presents.  I'm hoping to make most of them.  I enjoy making things to give to other people and I think it means a lot more to know someone took the time to make something for you.  And hopefully it might save some moolah.  

A lot of my gift ideas involve sewing, which I have wanted to learn how to do recently.  I don't have a machine so I've been waiting until I got the okay from Hubby to buy one.  But we found out that Brett's grandpa had a machine that his grandma never got to use and he offered it to us.  And we brought it home tonight!  God is so good!  A new, free machine from family is much better than a new one we had to pay for!  I don't know much about machines but its a Janome.  The model is now retired but it's in brand new condition and perfect for what I'll use it for.  I'm SO excited to get to sewing!  Since I have a big stack of fabric I wish I could use it tomorrow instead of going to work!

Now for the wreath.

After Halloween was over I decided to take down the wreath I made and replace it with a fall wreath.  I got a wood wreath form at Dollar Tree that was a light wood color so I spray painted it brown.  

I picked up this little can of brown spray paint at Michael's in the clearance aisle.  When it rang up, it was $.01!!  And the girl just took it off so I got it free!  Yay!  This is the spray paint sprayer I mentioned in my last post.

I picked up these fall fake flowers up at Michael's on sale.

To put them on the wreath I just popped them off of the stem.  They come off really easily.

I also decided to use some of the package of leaves I picked up at Dollar Tree.

I started by hot gluing on the leaves as a base.

After I glued leaves on about a third of the wreath I started with the flowers.  I probably wouldn't have put the leaves on because it made getting the flowers in the cracks a little harder.  But with a little more hot glue and holding it till it dried, it worked fine.

Once I glued on all the flowers, I tied a piece of jute twine to the top and hung it on our door with a wreath hanger. 

I love it!  And the cheap price makes it even better!  

Wreath - $1
Paint - Free!
Leaves - $1 (but used elsewhere too)
Flowers - $2.39
Twine - $2 (at WalMart)

Total: $6.39 (but I still have spray paint, leaves and twine!)

1 comment:

Thank you for taking the time to visit and leave a little note! I really appreciate your comments. They encourage me in ways you probably don't know! Have a blessed day!