
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Trip to Hubers

As I mentioned in my post on Friday (I believe), we went to Huber's Farms in nearby Starlight, Indiana.  Although the weather wasn't great (began sprinkling then full on raining after we got there and sunny after we left) it was a good time with friends and we got a pumpkin & a half peck of apples.  Haven't decided what to do with the pumpkin yet (carve, paint or nothing...suggestions?), but with the apples I've already made apple strudel muffins (for the tailgate with our Sunday School class, recipe to come soon) and plan to make another dessert.  Maybe a tasty pie?  Lots of thinking to do.  :)

Here are some pictures from our trip.  Enjoy!

 Animals (goats) at the Kids Petting Zoo area.

 Two adorable baby goats napping!

 Joe and Julia getting a picture with the goat trying to escape.

 What an adorable family!

Julia and her Mom Lindsey.

Brett and I with our pumpkin.

Zach and Sowmya with their pumpkin.  Don't know why Zach decided to put it on his head.  That just shows his personality!

A lovely couple!  

Julia is fascinated with that pumpkin (she's really just trying to figure out how to get it into her mouth).

"Who me?"

"Can I eat this?"

She's got a good grip on that pumpkin, but her posture is terrible!

Mommy & Daddy teasing her with the caramel apple.  Of course she wanted to gnaw on it.

More teasing.

Julia loves her "Aunt" Sowmya!

Baby smiles are the best!

Kisses from mommy.

An attempt to get a good mother-daughter picture.  The mom looks great, but daughter is a bit distracted. 

The awesome rainbow flower bed.

If you haven't made your Huber's trip yet, I recommend it!  There's still some good pumpkins out there! :)

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