
Saturday, October 9, 2010

Money Saving Tips

I never really shopped at drug stores (i.e. CVS, Walgreens) until I had to get something on my way to work a couple years ago and there was no stores between my home and work besides CVS.   So I ventured in and to get the good price on the item I wanted I had to get their ExtraCare card.  It is pretty much like a Kroger Plus card, but on steroids. It tracks your purchases and you get 2% back in the form of ExtraBucks every quarter.  ExtraBucks are basically a coupon for anything in the store.  And every week they have special deals where if you spend so much on a product (or group of products) you get X amount of ExtraBucks to use on your next purchase (you can even use them that day).  This is where you can get great deals (a while ago I got a normal size container of laundry detergent for $.90!)  

I will tell you about a couple of my recent trips to help you maximize your money when shopping here.  I'm using CVS because it is very close to my home, but I know Walgreens has a similar program-Register Rewards-but without the (free) ExtraCare card, if that is closer for you.  To get the best deals, it's good to visit the store weekly, or at least 2-3 times a month if you can.  If you stop going, you stop getting the Extra Bucks.  :)

Purchase 1:

ExtraBucks (or EB) Offer: Purchase $20 in Excedrin products, get $10 EB (you want to look for the offers that have 50% or more in EB.  So the offers for spend $20, get $5 EB are good, but spend $20 get $10 EB are best).

So I paid $21.49 for 3 bottles of Excedrin (and I used my HSA, score!)  There was several types and I figured out how to get the closest to $20 (before tax my total was $20.27, I think I did a good job!)  Usually there is a group of products to choose from so make sure to take a calculator so you can figure out the best combination.  I left that day with enough Excedrin to last me a couple years and $10 EB.

Purchase 2:
I don't remember the exact details, but I got $7 EB and a coupon for $5 off a purchase of $25 or more (*when you have these coupons, get your total to just over $25 and use that coupon first*).  I used my $10 EB (from the Excedrin purchase) to get Physician's Formula mineral powder make up, CoverGirl eyeshadow and 2 candles, all for $10.  It would have cost about $30-35 normally):

Purchase 3 :

I was excited about this weeks deals!  Here's what I bought:  

-Coke products on sale for 3/$11 and if you bought three 12-packs you got $2 EB
-Buy one CoverGirl Makeup item (I got face powder) for $7.99 get $2 EB (normally costs $6.50 @ Target)
-Buy 2 Biore face items, get $5 EB (I got the nose strips & face wash that had a $1 off coupon on it-*look for items that have a coupon on the package, this maximizes your savings!)
I also bought Brett's type of deodorant (on sale for less than Wal-Mart had it), adorable folders on clearance ($.69 a piece and I haven't decided on a use yet, maybe some creative filing/organizing system), and the album to organize my coupons. 
I paid $35.52 for items that would have cost me $60-65.  Whoo hoo!

Purchase 4:

I'm pretty proud of this purchase!  I'm getting better as I do this more. :)

The deals weren't that great this week but I really needed some new chap stick and my hands are becoming severely dry. So I went in with my $5 off purchase of $25 coupon, $12 EB and a coupon I was emailed for $2 off a $10 purchase to see what I could find.
The only EB reward I got was:
-Buy one Pantene, Herbal Essence, Head & Shoulders or Aussie item, get $2 EB.  But I had coupon for $2 off 2 Pantene items so I bought 2 (unfortunately you can only get one reward per card so I only got $2 EB for this).
Then I found the Curel Hand and Cuticle lotion that had a $1 off coupon attached.  Perfect!  And I got my chapstick, 2 kinds to last me a while (I'm interested to see how I like the ChapStick Ultra Shimmer). 
With all my coupons, I paid $8.06 for my items that would have cost me over $30!  Yay!  And I got $2 EB,  a $5 off purchase of $25 coupon, a $2 off $6 bar soap/body wash purchase and $4 off Dr. Scholl's for Her.  

These ExtraBucks deals are a great way to stock up on items for less.  

And at the bottom of my receipt of my last purchase it says my YTD savings is $100.69!!  And I could probably count on both hands the times I've been to CVS this year. I'd say that's a good percent saved per trip! 

Saving money and good deals make my bargain shopper soul happy, I'd love to hear about your good deals & tips!


  1. WOw, sounds like you got some sweet deals! haha I'm not a huge coupon person, because you usually have to get name brand things to use them. I usually find that store brand things are just as good and cheaper in the long run. But, I do use coups for Charmin because I LOVE Charmin and do not skimp on TP! And I also use coups to get things like laundry detergent, wheat thins, schick quatro for women, and fem products! Also, I never ever buy anything at Kohls, Michaels, or Hobby Lobby at regular price, because there is almost always a coupon out there, or just wait a few days and there will be a sale! Can't wait to hear more about your sweet deals

  2. i have a laundry tip. they say that those dryer sheets are bad for your dryer. something about a film and build up. so , buy fabric softener and dilute it with the same amt. of water . i emptied mine into a bucket then poured it into 2 empty softener bottles. cut new square sponges into fours. use a plastic container or a large zip loc and pour the softener over the sponges. let it soak for a bit. when you are ready to dry ,just squeeze out a little sponge and throw it in with the clothes. when done just put it back in the bag/container to use again. as for static just ball up a square of aluminum foil and throw it in the dryer as well. my clothes have come out wonderfully soft and static free while saving money. jenn


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