
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Quick Hello

Just wanted to write a quick post before bed and before a fun weekend.  Today was a crazy day at the bank.  Won't get into details but there must have been a full moon or something because the customers were a handful!! I was so exhausted & ready to leave at 6:15.  Only one more day at the bank before I have about a week off and then start my new job!  Yay!  Except I'll be going from a part time job, then a week off then to a full time job!  Haven't worked full time for more than a week since December so that will be interesting!  

Tomorrow we (the husband & two fabulous couples-one with an adorable babe) are going to Huber's Orchard & Restaurant.  Besides the decorations and much cooler temps (about 20-30 degrees cooler from 2 weeks ago!) it will really feel like fall!  Yay!  I plan to come back with some apples to make some yummy apple goodies, recipes courtesy of Martha Stewart's website (my favorite right now!!)

Sunday morning Brett & I are going "tailgating" in the church parking lot...Every fall they have a tailgate for young couple's (or it may be all adults, not sure) ABF classes with good ole food and fellowship.  I'm excited!  I might make Apple Coffee cake (see above paragraph :D).  Yum!

Sunday night we will be attending the celebration service to send off our Pastor to be the President of the NAMB (North American Missions Board).  I know the Lord has great things for him and his family there, but he will be missed.  No one will replace him as the pastor of the church I was attending when I came to know Christ.  Highview has a special place in my heart and so does Brother Kevin's teachings and leadership.  

My comfy bed beckons me so I can rest up for a fun weekend.  Goodnight & have a wonderful weekend!

In Him,


  1. Hey friend! I hope yall took a bunch of pics at Hubers because I miss seeing your faces!! And I miss being able to go to Hubers! Bummer...I think I will go buy a pumpkin at Frys (our version of Kroger) hmph...

  2. Aww sad! I'll post them just for some lovely ones of Miss Julia!


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