
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fall Decorations!

For some reason, I have never decorated for fall (or any other season for that matter) just Christmas.  This year I really wanted to decorate!   I haven't changed much since I moved in March of 2008 so I think now that it is mine AND Brett's home, I want to change it up a bit.  Well, a bit might be an understatement because I have been thinking about repainting the bathrooms and getting other furniture for the "office" to make it more functional.  But enough with my mini-tangent, I'm sure redecorating will be for other posts (unless we move soon).  Back to fall...

To take care of my fall decor needs I made a couple visits to my favorite stores (in no particular order) Michael's, JoAnn's & Hobby Lobby!  I should have gone to Hobby Lobby first because they had a ton of stuff and it was all 50%, but I was by the other stores first.  But I got everything on sale (40-50% off) so it worked out okay.  

Now for some pictures...

Our kitchen table centerpiece

The yummy pumpkin spice candle, candle holder and candle decoration came from Michael's.  I wanted a table runner to put the centerpiece on, but I didn't feel like paying $15 for one (and that was on sale!).  Plus our table is round and I'm not sure how I feel about table runners on round tables.  I think I'm too OCD for how it would lay.  Anyways, the candle is on a green silk-like napkin I got at Hobby Lobby (LOVE this green!  Green is my favorite color, but this green is so rich & perfect for fall). It was way more affordable than the runner & place mats.

On top of our DVD shelf

The leaf candle holder is from Michael's, the pumpkin & decoration around it are from Hobby Lobby.  Under that is the other green napkin from Hobby Lobby.  While reading another blog (and I cannot remember which one, oops!) I snagged an idea from them.  Each year of their marriage they buy a new (fake) decorative pumpkin & write the number for which year it is on the bottom.  I loved the idea of giving a simple decoration sentimental value!  So we have started that tradition too and above is our first pumpkin!  :)

Our fireplace area

Since our TV and all that goes with it is on top of our mantle, I'm left with decorating around it.  I got the cute Happy Harvest sign at Hobby Lobby.  It's made to sit somewhere, but it got lost when I put in on the ground in front of the fireplace.  So I took a small nail & hung it from a P on the front of the mantle.  It stands out great against the white wood.  I got the scarecrow from JoAnn's (he was too cute & I think it's Brett's favorite).  And on the opposite side is a 2nd candle holder from Michael's.

I hope you enjoyed our fall decorations!  Since we live in such a small space I can't go too over board on the decorations.  But I do have pumpkin and apple candles all over!  Unfortunately nothing was handmade (I wouldn't know what fall craft to make besides something with pine cones or pumpkins), but maybe I'll think of something!  

While I was out shopping I came across fake carve-able pumpkins.  So cool!  Did anyone else know they existed?!  No mess & you can reuse it--cool!  But then again I love munching on baked pumpkin seeds.  Mmmmm...

Hope you're getting in the fall decorating spirit!  Not too many hours before its the 1st of October!



P.S.  While getting my fall decorations I also got supplies for a couple jewelry projects that I'm super excited about.  And I'm looking around on etsy for supplies for another one.  Stay tuned!! :)

1 comment:

  1. OK this is funny because I just spent a long while walking around HL yesterday. I want every piece of fall decor! And Christmas too for that matter. I am going back today haha! And I'm definitely stealing that pumpkin numbering idea. So cute! Except I will have to buy 2, one for last year. haha oh well.


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