
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Right Now...

I'm back!  Moving and the holidays were quite time consuming for us!  But we are (mostly) settled in our new home so I don't really have any more excuses!  Also, I have lots of projects in my head to complete in the next few weeks so I can't wait to share them!  But before I get to the projects, I saw this on another blog and thought I would participate.

Right now I am...

watching: Nate Berkus on my DVR.  I love his show and I am sad it is ending in May!  Even worse people such as Rosie, Queen Latifah & the host of Survivor are getting daytime talk shows!

eating: actually nothing!  surprising for a pregnant chick, right?!  But I'm about to eat some leftovers from our date night last night.

drinking: I just finished a glass of milk...trying to be a good mama and get enough calcium!

wearing: yoga pants, maternity tshirt, & my UofL snuggie.  Yes, I have (and love) a snuggie!:)

avoiding: Decluttering &'s amazing how fast paper accumulates in my home!  I plan to get to it tonight though since it has gotten out of hand.  And since it's Sunday I have today's paper/coupons to go through.  And the kitchen and hall bath still need some organizing after our move.

feeling: lots of jabs, rolls, kicks, etc. from Peyton!  The past week or so she has had VERY active stretches of about 20 minutes once or twice a day.  It's kind of comical how much she moves around at once.  It makes me think that she will not be a baby that is content to just sit/lay by herself.  I can't wait to find out! :)

missing: my husband.  He just left for his last few days of work in Alabama.  :(  When we found out we were moving back to KY we decided I wouldn't return to AL after Christmas, which meant he would have to spend 10-14 days by himself in AL.  A 5 hour drive at 35 weeks pregnant just didn't sound that great!

thankful: for so many things!  Mainly my wonderful family and friends.  They have been so helpful with the move back to KY.  I feel bad since I can't do as much these days (even though I try and my body protests!) but we have gotten so much help that I am beyond thankful for!  It has helped me be less stressed and overwhelmed.  I am also thankful for a healthy baby & pregnancy and my wonderful husband!  We cannot wait to meet our sweet girl!

weather: it's getting cooler, but it was a beautiful sunny day!

praying: for family and friends with health issues.

needing: being pregnant has shown me that my needs are so minimal!  But besides time, I need to get prepared for Peyton's arrival!  Her room is devoid of furniture...I do have some cloth diapers and a few clothes for her, but I definitely don't feel prepared! 

thinking: I need to get off the couch, eat, organize and tackle my sewing/crafting to do list!

loving: my comfy bed (it has helped this pregnant girl sleep!), friends that love, encourage and support me, family that loves us and is helping our little family get off to a great start, sweets (just about any kind!), finding good deals on baby stuff, and getting to work on organizing and decorating Peyton's room!

What are you all up to?

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