
Friday, December 2, 2011

My Etsy Shop!

I finally did it!  I opened my etsy shop!  I only have a few random items at the moment, but slowly but surely I am adding products. 

Most of what I offer will be handmade jewelry, paper products and fabric products (mostly accessories and baby/kiddo items).  Some will be custom/personalized items and some will be one of a kind pieces.

To keep updated you can follow my shop on Facebook by going to the link (or clicking follow on the link on my sidebar).  Or you can favorite my shop (click on the heart on the side in the shop or when viewing an item).

Hope you like what you see (and if you do, please share!).  If you have any feedback or requests, let me know!


  1. Can't wait to see what else you add to your shop! This school year I'm building my inventory so that during the summer I can concentrate on maintaining the shop. I have the account, just haven't actually DONE it yet.

  2. Thanks! I decided to go ahead and add stuff I had pictures of because I had already been putting it off. I'm glad I did, I've had 2 orders already! Pretty good ratio for 3 items! :)


Thank you for taking the time to visit and leave a little note! I really appreciate your comments. They encourage me in ways you probably don't know! Have a blessed day!