
Sunday, October 16, 2011

It's a....

We are having a girl!!  Her name will be Peyton Elise.  Brett (husband) and I are so excited!  We both kind of thought it was a girl, but it is wonderful to get confirmation!  Our families are so excited as well.  I have 2 nephews so my side of the family is excited to welcome a girl.  It is the first grandchild for Brett's parents so they are excited regardless of gender!  Here are my favorite ultrasound pictures of Peyton.

Profile shot, and if you can tell, she is sucking on her hand.  So sweet!!
Her profile.  If you turn your head its easier to see :)

Her little foot!  Isn't the detail awesome!

Nothing between those legs! :)
Our biggest praise is that she measured great and is healthy!!!  We have been praying for a healthy baby from the start. God is awesome!

Now I can't wait to get started on some DIY projects for this sweet little girl!!  (Well after I finish my class this Thursday that is!)

And don't worry, my 31 Days post for today is coming!


  1. congrats! a girl- wow! wonder what that'll be like- unless God works a miracle I'll never know- cause He's blessed me with a pack of boys! (stinky, but sweet) :) Lovely card!

  2. Thank you!! Haha, boys are great too, I've enjoyed my nephews! My nifty Silhouette machine helped me with the card. :)


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