
Thursday, October 27, 2011

31 Days of Handmade Gifts: Day 27 {Organizing Clutches}

Welcome to Day 27! You can find the other 31 Days posts here.

So I am finding that my "nesting" tendencies are starting to set in.  Last week I spent hours organizing both of our clothing closets and our bathroom.  It wasn't entirely necessary since strangers movers will be coming in a couple months to pack it all up, but it made me feel so much better!  I have also gotten on an organizing kick in other places, even sewing and crafting.

Today's handmade gift idea falls in the organizing category.  One place that get can quite disorganized quickly is a purse or diaper bag.  Here are some solutions that would make great gifts.  What person doesn't like adding a little organization to their life?!

Potholder Emergency Clutch
This clutch, made out of a potholder, is a quick way to organize all the loose items in your purse, diaper bag, car, etc.  I use a zippered pouch, but it overflows quickly!  I picked up several potholders from Target for $.98 so I will be making a couple of these soon!  You can find the super easy tutorial over at Tidy Mom.

Place Mat Purse Organizer
In a few simple steps you can covert a place mat into an organizer for your purse. I have seen these in Bed Bath and Beyond, but using a cute place mat is way more stylish (and affordable)!  This organizer would make switching purses a breeze!  Especially if you switch often and/or like using big purses where things can get lost.  Footprints has a great tutorial for this easy project. 

Place Mat Diaper Clutch
In looking at all of the baby gear available I have been quite annoyed surprised at the price of the diaper/wipe organizers.  Making your own is definitely a great way to save money for yourself or as a gift to a new mom.  You can make a diaper and wipe organizer from one place mat and use another as a changing pad.  You can find the tutorial at Junk Mail Gems.

Well I didn't intend to, but today's post was all about re-purposing kitchen items! Funny how things work out that way.  Have you seen any other tutorials for things to keep you organized?

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