
Sunday, October 23, 2011

31 Days of Handmade Gifts: Day 23 {Camera Strap Cover}

Welcome to Day 23!  You can find the other 31 Days posts here.

If you have anybody on your list with a digital camera that has a strap, a personalized strap cover would be a great gift!  I made one last year for myself. 

Since it was my very first sewing project it is so not perfect (one end is smaller than the other!), so I will be making another one that is much cuter!  I have found two tutorials that I really like.

Finding My Feet has a great tutorial for a ruffled camera strap with a lens cap pocket.

How cute is that!  This tutorial is for any camera strap so it's great to follow if you are making a gift and don't have the strap to measure.

Cluck.Cluck.Sew. posted a tutorial over at Make It Do for this next camera strap.

This strap cover doesn't have a ruffle so it could be used for a guy or a girl that isn't a big ruffle fan (although I don't know why anyone wouldn't be!).  It does include batting which in my opinion isn't completely necessary (especially if you don't have it).  Mine was made with the batting but I don't think it's that uncomfortable to have to have it.  Your choice.  :)

If you or the gift recipient doesn't have a SLR you can always make a strap for a point and shoot camera.  I made a couple last year when I made my strap cover. (Sorry for the terrible picture!)

You can find the tutorial over at A Pretty Cool Life.  It's very simple and takes less than 30 minutes to make one!

Have any of you made a camera strap before?

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