
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Coffee Filter Wreath

If you have read some of my posts, you know I love wreaths.  Our bedroom was lacking a wreath so I decided to make a coffee filter wreath like many others, like The Nester, have done.  I decided not to do a tutorial for this wreath because it is pretty simple.  If you would like one though, you can use the book page wreath I made and use coffee filters instead.  It's not an original wreath, but I love the look, kind of like a bunch of flowers.  Here are the supplies you will need:
  • Wreath form (I used a foam dollar store wreath I had already)
  • Coffee filters (I picked mine up at CVS a while back but you can get them practically anywhere, even the dollar store I believe)
  • Hot glue gun and glue
  • Ribbon and pins (if you like)
  • A comfy seat and a good movie! 
 A few tips after creating mine:
  1. Use the same method as the book page wreath: start with an outer ring that essentially lays flat when the wreath is laid on a flat surface and work your way in with subsequent layers.  I started in a random spot and it was not even and took longer than the "layer" method.  Keep working in til you are satisfied (and if you are like me this will take you a while and eventually you just need to accept it's imperfections and stop!)
  2. Fold the filters in half, fold in half again and fold in half one more time.  This is the quickest way to get a full flower look every time.
  3. I decided to add the ribbon hanger last so I could change the ribbon out when I got tired of the original one.  So I made a small loop that I could tie a larger piece of ribbon to that could be changed,  Currently it is just hanging from the small ribbon loop because I haven't decided on a color for a thicker ribbon hanger.  A trip to Michael's is in order!
Here is my finished wreath!

And now the wreath over our bed. 

Yes, I know it is a plain and boring bedroom.  We are renting an apartment so paint isn't an option.  I want to get a new duvet cover and make some throw pillows. The wall needs something more, but I'm not sure what.  I may not get around to doing much since we will be moving again in a few months, but pillows have been on my sewing to do list for a while, so I will probably start there (unless I can find a good deal on a duvet cover).

I am linking up with the Nester for her "You Made A Wreath Out of What?" party.  If you want some wreath inspiration, there are hundreds so go check it out!


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