
Friday, September 30, 2011

31 Days of ...

I decided to join The Nester and blog for 31 days about one topic, handmade gifts. It's a bit of a stretch for me since I haven't blogged for 31 days in a row, let alone that much about the same topic! But I am trying to make most of my gifts these days, and with Christmas coming up (only 86 days people!) I'm doing some research and planning now. I also have been trying to make other gifts shower, birthday, etc. so my ideas won't just be for Christmas (hopefully).  The ideas will probably be some of my Pinterest finds, gifts I made in the past, or gifts I want to make. I hope to have some things I have made to show you too. I will also try to share ideas for men, women and kids. Feel free to comment with questions or ideas of your own!

Do you like the button I made?  I used Picnik for the first time.

On another note, I am so addicted to Pinterest!  The craziest thing is one of my pins has been re-pinned 416 times!!  Wow!! I got a text last night that told me to get off Pinterest and go to bed. Haha!  And it wasn't from my mom.  :)  If you want an invite to Pinterest, let me know.

Be sure to come back tomorrow, October 1st, for Day 1 of 31 days of Handmade Gifts! 

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