
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Poor Neglected Blog

I never meant it to happen, but time got away from me!  My plate was full with school (still is), moving states and preparing for everything that goes with a big move.  Now that we have been here (Alabama) for about a month, I decided I didn't have an excuse anymore!  So here I am.  I have a lot more time on my hands so I will hopefully be able to complete projects I've started and tackle a whole bunch more.  Especially since we just shared the big news that we are expecting!  I envision a lot of sewing and nursery decorating in the future!

I am due February 24th, 2012 so today I am about 11 and a half weeks.  Here is the last picture we got of our precious little one.

We are so thrilled and cannot wait to meet him or her!  We plan to be back in Kentucky when this little one arrives, as long as everything goes as planned with Brett's work.

In the next few months I also plan on opening an Etsy shop with paper and fabric goods made by me.  So stick around!


  1. Congrats! And even though you'll deliver in America and so will therefore have a doctor encouraging you to induce somehow, PLEASE don't... for your sake and baby's but mostly because if you're 2 days past your due date baby Knipp will be born on Anthony and I's birthday!!! :)Hope 1st trimester has been kind to you!

  2. Thanks! Inducement is my biggest fear since I saw my sis go through 2! That's why when we get back to KY I plan on going to a midwife. They're not allowed in KY but there is one right across the bridge in IN. It wasn't terrible, but I am so glad to be going into the 2nd trimester! It's being much kinder. :)


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