
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Reupholstered Window Seat

One of my sweet friends started a recipe blog for a group of us to post on.  I finally got around to posting a recipe.  Go check it out!

One project that I've done recently is the window seat cushion in our spare room.  Until recently it had the same fabric that the previous owner put on there.  I never thought I could reupholster it until now!  And the checkered pattern with the stripes isn't really my style.

So I picked up a yard of home decor fabric at JoAnn's for half off (only $5.30).  
Way more my style!   

Closer look: 
 (I am always drawn to flourish/damask prints!)

I can't wait to get started on pillows for it!  It's such a bare space, it needs something more to fill it.   I even have some fabric to make them as well as old pillows to use the stuffing from.  So my excuse is time.

Side note, the walls in this room when I moved in were painted a bright aqua/turquoise that emanated down the hallway.  It was horrible.  It took two coats of primer and two or three coats of paint to cover it!!  (The color is Sherwin Williams Vanillan - I picked something neutral that would go with the apricot color of the hallway, living room and kitchen, which I am tired of now by the way!)

I am hoping to post some minor redecorating posts soon.  When I bought my condo I was not crafty and didn't really have an opinion on decorating.  But that has changed and I'm constantly coming up with new ideas inspired by some of the wonderful blogs out there.  And I'm especially hoping one of those is a living room rearranging post (including trading out those awful vertical blinds for curtains!)...just have to convince the husband.  But...the full time job and school come first so sadly it might be a while.  Might just have to take a day off to get some sewing done!

Quick question, do you all like the font of my post?  Is it hard to read?  Should I pick something else?  Thanks!


  1. I like the font too, but I didn't notice it until you said to check because I read this in Google Reader.

  2. I like that fabric! I also read in google reader but I do like the font!


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