
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

On the 7th Day of Christmas...

Linking up with Caitlin today.  I do love todays topic.  Christmas movies & music!!!  


Every year after Thanksgiving I go on a Christmas movie frenzy.  I watch all the ones I have that have anything Christmas in them.   I load up my Netflix queue with Christmas movies.  It makes me a happy girl watching all of them!  Still have more to go!  I wish we had cable so I could partake in the 25 Days of Christmas on ABC Family.  But then again, I don't have time to watch a movie every day.

This year I started listening to Christmas music before Thanksgiving.  I used to wait til the day after Thanksgiving, but I just can't anymore!!  It puts me in such a good mood!  I did only listen to it at work on my ipod, so it wan't too bad.  Plus most of my Christmas songs are by Christian artists.  So it's not 'Rockin Around the Christmas Tree' five different ways.  

Here are my top 5 Christmas Movies and top 3 Christmas Albums.

5. A Christmas Story
A Classic.  "You'll shoot your eye out", the leg lamp, the frozen pole and the list goes on!

4. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
How can you not enjoy Clark Griswold?  I think everyone has a family member like someone in this movie.

3. It's A Wonderful Life
A classic with a great lesson

2. Elf
Will Ferrel thinking he's an elf, in a non-inappropriate movie?  Yes please!

1. The Polar Express
A wonderful book made into a magical movie!  Makes me feel like a kid on Christmas again.

So I googled top Christmas movies.  At moviefone, they had DieHard and Gremlins in their list over Polar Express.  WHAT?  There's nothing Christmas about Die Hard except that it all goes down at a Christmas party.

I can't pick just songs, I love every Christmas song I hear!  And with different artists, its like its a new song.  So here are my fave albums this year.

3. NSync - Home For Christmas
I'm not afraid to admit I was huge NSync fan in my day (not as crazy as some though) and that I still enjoy their Christmas CD!

2. Barlow Girl - Home For Christmas
Their voices are so beautiful singing those wonderful Christmas tunes.  My favorite song: Hallelujah (Light Has Come)

1. Casting Crowns - Peace On Earth
God Is With Us is amazing! 

I haven't watched too many black and white movies (except It's A Wonderful Life of course) but I'm watching Holiday Inn right now.  It has Bing Crosby & Fred Astaire in it.  I highly recommend it!  

Have a blessed day!

1 comment:

  1. Forgot all about N*SYNC Christmas!! :) Love, love that CD!! classic!


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