
Saturday, December 4, 2010

On the 4th Day of Christmas...

Christmas Memories

As I'm sure most people do, I have a lot of Christmas memories.  I remember some better than others.  I remember admiring our (real) Christmas tree with all of the bright colorful lights, sentimental ornaments (some my sister and I made) in our old house.  I remember my mom's work Christmas parties at our house with all of the delicious food she made.  I remember baking cookies with my Grandma and then consuming them.  I remember a lot of delicious meals with family.  I remember time at Grandma's house (I loved Christmas Eve's there!) I remember waking up at 4 am-ish because I was so excited to open presents and then sneaking out to the living room to see what Santa brought (even after "Santa" stopped coming).  I might have even peeked in my stocking.  Oops.

Here are some recent memories in pictures:

A fabulous Gingerbread house made by these two lovely ladies:

 When I lived in an apartment with my college roommate we had friends from church over to paint ornaments.  It was a lot of fun and we need to do it again

Jenny, Laurie, Ryan, Sowmya & Samantha

Samantha, Janet, Nina, Kristin & April

Ryan and Sowmya with their snowmen.  (Sowmya's is UofL themed)

Samantha, Janet, Nina & Kristin with their finished products.

My oldest nephew (now 3 1/2) as Santa.  So cute!

Ethan and I on Christmas...3 years ago.

And because I am apparently terrible at taking pictures around Christmas, that's all I've got.  I am now making a promise to my self to not do that this year!!


  1. What fun painting ornaments! And that pic of your nephew with the bows on his head is precious! So glad you linked-up! Look forward to reading your posts! :) Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  2. Hello, found you through the LInky on Cait's blog. Congrats on getting married! Lovvveee married life. I'm also your newest follower. I love that gingerbread house. I'm not a great baker person, much less a cook haha, but if I ever wanted to bake something it would be a gigerbread house =)

  3. Caitlin - surprisingly he didn't mind the bows. Now as a 3 yr old that would be a different story!

    Rachel - Thanks for coming over & following! I was actually looking at your blog last night and am about to follow. :) And the gingerbread house was actually a kit that was bought. A bunch of us made them one year at a church Christmas party. No baking involved :)


Thank you for taking the time to visit and leave a little note! I really appreciate your comments. They encourage me in ways you probably don't know! Have a blessed day!