
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Card Wreath Tutorial

I'm back!!  Apparently after the 12 Days of Christmas I needed a break!  Plus this week has been filled with Christmas shopping and being sick.  I caught the winter cold that's going around, most likely from Hubby.  But  I'm slowly getting better and don't collapse on the couch after I get home from work now.

So through blogging I've discovered I'm obsessed with wreaths!  While browsing Martha's site I found this one.

Pinup Wreath

I really like this way of displaying Christmas cards so I picked up an embroidery loop and ribbon at JoAnn's.

Her site said to use wood glue, but I was too impatient with it so I used my trusty hot glue gun.

I glued the clothespins on alternating which way the clip part of the pin pointed.  I wish I had mini clothespins like Martha used, but I already had the normal sized ones.  I am terrible with making bows so I made a loop, hot glued that together and then worked for way too long to make a bow I liked.  Then I glued that on.

Here it is hanging on our wall:

And with Christmas cards!

Speaking of Christmas cards, here are ours now that the recipients should have gotten them!


Inside top & bottom:

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