
Thursday, November 25, 2010


I hope everyone is enjoying time with friends and family, football, and delicious food!!  I have been cooking/baking so far today and will be headed to my parents soon.  But I wanted to show a project I did this week before Thanksgiving is over.

I have fall decorations, but nothing specific to Thanksgiving.  So while at WalMart searching their craft section for supplies (they actually have a decent selection and good prices) I picked up a few things for a 'Give Thanks' plaque, and had the rest at home.  

Here were my supplies:

I didn't use the exacto to cut the scrapbook paper.  I used my paper cutter and measured the board (but somehow I measured wrong, but I went with it!)

First I sanded the 5x7 board down.  The I painted brown acrylic paint on the back and around the edges on the front.  

Then I modge podged the front and placed the scrapbook paper on front.

I let that dry and went and did some laundry.  The I put some over the scrap book paper.  I did about 2-3 layers.  

I didn't take pictures of this step, but I painted the letters brown too.  After the last modge podge layer was still wet, I placed the letters on.  I don't recommend moving them around after placing them down.  I did and I ripped the paper so it had to stay where it was!  Luckily, you can't tell, only I know where it is.
Modge podge a couple layers over the letters.  It's very important to let it fully dry before each layer.  Here's the board after the last layer.

And here's the finished product on display!  For being pretty cheap and not spending too much time on it, I love it!

Board: I'm pretty sure only $1.00 at WalMart
Letters: Package of about 100 for $2.97 (WM)
Paint: On Hand
Brushes: On Hand
Modge Podge: On Hand
Sand Paper: On Hand
Scrapbook Paper: 1 sheet, On Hand

Total: $3.97 
And I have more letters left over! 

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