
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Quick Update

I apologize for the delay in posting!  This week has been really busy!  I'm working full time during the day (the new job is going pretty well, it keep me busy!) so my nights are my time to clean, do laundry, craft, spend time with Brett and also cook dinner.  So my days are usually pretty full.  On Tuesday and Wednesday I was working on a project (post coming soon) and spending time with Brett.  Thursday I went to the Louisville Zoo to trick or treat with my adorable nephews (see below for pictures), Friday we went to a Louisville Lightning soccer game (a pro or semi-pro team in Louisville) benefitting breast cancer and yesterday we tailgated and went to the UofL game.  And they won! 

It has been a pretty busy week, and this one coming up probably will be too.  Here are a few pictures I took at the Zoo with my sister Amanda, brother in law Will and two nephews Ethan (3) and Elijah (6 months today!).

Ethan dressed up as a UPS delivery man (like my father in law Dale).  Too cute!

The most adorable Shrek ever!!

Mini-Shrek with Shrek and Fiona.  Ethan was not sure about them.

Love him!

The family trick or treating 

Marching to the music on the yellow brick road.

The Wizard of Oz characters.

Fun in a submarine.

Isn't he adorable?

Couldn't wait before we left to have a sucker.

Flying like Ironman.  What a goofy kiddo!

He would watch them put the candy in his pumpkin and then stare at them after.  He didn't understand the concept of trick or treating.  He did say thank you (mostly) though!

Trying to get in the candy house.  No such luck.

Very random, but he would walk up to the ice cream cones and hit his head on it.  No clue why!

He had a ball in the old safari van!

Not too sure about the elephant.  Aunt Lauren thought it would be a good photo op.

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