
Thursday, October 14, 2010


You may notice the complete makeover of the blog...I was looking at my last design and decided there was WAY too much color for me!  I love neutrals because when you add a color, it pops so much more.  So I hope you like this one!  It may change (the banner's details) a little once I have more time to play around.  I'm using GIMP (like photoshop, but free) and it can be annoyingly complicated.  Anyone used GIMP before?

Well I started my new job yesterday (Tuesday) and so far so good.  It's a lot of information, not a lot of explanation and a lot of me asking questions or going "huh?".  It is taking me a while to adjust to a Monday thru Friday full time job again (haven't had that schedule since the end of last year!!).  That would explain why I am up right now.  My brain needs some good sleep, especially after day 2 of the job and finishing up my tedious projects at the Paint Spot after work.  I went Monday to the Paint Spot and every time I go I am extremely ambitious.  They closed Monday before I was finished so I went back today around 6:30. I left when they closed 9.  So I spent a little under 5 hours working on 3 pieces there.  They better be awesome!!!  I'll be sure to post one of the 3 when I get them back, the other two are Christmas presents for 2 special (little) people in my life.  :)

My precious nephews.  Ethan (in daddy's Army hat) is 3 and Elijah (those cheeks are so yummy!) is almost 6 months.  I love them!!

Well I have lots of posts coming (they're piling up in my head! especially after several Goodwill & Dollar Tree visits!) so don't go too far.  :)

Goodnight all.

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