
Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Weekend Update

Yes, some catching up is in order.  I didn't realize how much of my time school would take up!  It doesn't help that I spend a bit of time procrastinating instead of doing my schoolwork...including my blog makeover!  I tire quickly of things (why I will never have a tattoo and why I have so many purses!) so I'll probably regularly change the design.  And when I'm not doing school work (or procrastinating) I'm spending precious time with my husband (we're on different work schedules this semester so we usually only see each other on the weekends).  My classes are 8 weeks long and next week my final project is due.  I have to do a whole lesson plan complete with summary, power point and the actual plan.  It will be tough, considering this is my FIRST semester of my masters program!!  Luckily, my professor isn't too tough on grading.  Here's a class website that I had to make for an assignment a couple weeks ago (all fictional since I don't actually teach a class yet).  Oh the class I'm taking is Educational Technology.  Somewhat interesting, but I already know how to use excel, power point etc. so I could have done without that part.

Here are a few projects I've been working on during the rare times of "free time".

I made these candy coated rice krispy treats for Valentine's Day.  De-licious!!  Unfortunately can't eat these on weight watchers (oh, I started weight watchers this week - darn married lady weight gain!)

I had my friends over for some great "girl time" and here's what two of them made using my new Silhouette.

Don't you love them!  And they each cost about $5!!  Those ladies are pretty creative and it was such a great time to be with them, as always!  I'm still learning how to use the Silhouette though, vinyl is giving me a problem!

And here's a project in the works...

It's just a picture frame now, but just wait to see what it will be!  I'm hoping to finish it up this week, but that depends on my final class project.

Hope you are enjoying your weekend! 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine's day is wrapping up and I just want to wish you all a Happy Love Day! These beautiful two dozen roses were from my year round Valentine and hubby. Isn't he sweet? They were delivered to me at work with yummy chocolates! I'm a lucky gal! Unfortunately I haven't seen him today, silly second shift! But he still spoils me even when we're not together. I love him! Here's to all those wonderful hubbies out there!
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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Valentine's Day Wreath

Today I'm linking up with Christina for her "Twenty Below Thursdays" where she displays projects all made under $20!  My kind of crafts! 

I have never really decorated for Valentine's Day, but I'm on the "wreath for every holiday" kick so I thought I'd make a heart shaped wreath.  

 Here's the finished product!

And here is what I started out with:

First I wrapped the straighter parts of the heart in the ribbon, putting a line of hot glue on the back of the wreath.  I just did the back so that the front wasn't lumpy.  The ribbon is plastic on one side and velvet on the other, so its a really rich red that the photo doesn't do it justice! 

Here's where I stopped.

I stared at it for a couple minutes deciding how to cover the awkward spots without it looking too patchy.  When I couldn't figure anything out, I just started cutting, piecing together and gluing.  Luckily it turned out great. 

Then I made some rosettes, complete with a pearl in the center and hot glued them on.  I also pinned a small piece of white grosgrain on the back as a holder.  And when I hung it, the rosettes were so heavy, it leans!  Oh well, the lean is growing on me!

I love the romantic elegant look it gives.  And it was quick to make, and cheap!

Project cost:

I had the ribbon and grey fabric on hand already.  The ribbon is probably older than me, it was my mom's and lived in her Christmas decoration bins until I took it.  Then it lived in mine for a few years.  And I still have four more rolls!  I bought the heart foam wreath at Hobby Lobby (with a coupon) for about $3, which was my only expense.

Hope everyone (single and not single) has a Happy Valentine's Day (in about 10 days) with the ones they love!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

I decided to join Ryan in linking up for What I'm Loving Wednesdays!!  This weather has got me in a bummed out mood, so I definitely need to think positively!

*I'm loving that the Silhouette now cuts fabric!!  This has opened up the machine up to so many more uses and projects!  I was actually looking for something to cut fabric into smaller shapes, so this saves me some moolah!!

*I'm loving that our tax return is a whole lot more than I was thinking!  That means more money towards a new car in the next few months.  Score!

*I'm loving that I have a 100% in my first class of my Masters program!  I started my first class January 13th for a Masters of Arts in Teaching for Elementary.  I hope to have my student teaching completed and graduate in Fall of 2012.  Only reason that might change would be a little one, which I am completely open to!!

*I'm loving the craft supplies I got at Michael's and Home Depot.  Hopefully I will have it completed and posted soon!  But with work and class, crafting time has decreased.  Sad panda.

*I'm loving these newbies at Gap:

 And this purse by Big Buddha.  I bought a groupon today to a shop here that sells them.  Can't wait to get mine!!

And I of course am loving my husband, even though he's working right now.  :(

 Hope you all had a great Wednesday and have a fabulous Thursday!!